
taciturn pipe logo -smallTaciturn Pipe Publishing is dedicated to unleashing fresh fiction and non-fiction upon an unsuspecting world.  We make every word count, savoring each in turn, and choosing only the ones that will evoke the best aroma.

Ok, actually, that’s the author’s job.

But we do our best to instigate!

With the dramatic changes in publishing upon us, Taciturn Pipe Publishing is crafting a new model that takes into account a new reality that, for better or for worse, puts the author front and center in marketing his or her book.

The big difference is that the folks at Taciturn Pipe Publishing will stay right by the author’s side, giving the author the tools and guidance to make the most of modern opportunities.

Chiefly, Taciturn Pipe Publishing will:

  • Produce a high quality printed edition in soft or hard cover (or both)
  • Create a professional cover
  • Distribute on all the online retailers such as Amazon.com
  • Generate professional ebook editions (Kindle, Nook, Epub)
  • Provide social media marketing assistance
  • Develop a professional web page
  • Give a 20% royalty on print editions and 25% on digital editions
  • Maintain a relationship for as long as it takes for the author’s book to see the success the author desires for it

What the author brings to the table:

  • A fully complete, 100% edited manuscript
  • A willingness to spearhead the marketing campaign
  • A commitment to purchase 250+ copies to begin with (discounted, of course)
  • Realistic expectations of success

What are you waiting for?  Get your book to the masses, today!  Tell us about your project:
